King Shibi was the son of Ushinar and was born in the Ikshavaku lineage. Shibi's kind heartedness and devotion for the Lord was famous not only on earth but in heaven as well.
Once to test the king, Devaraj Indra took the guise of a falcon whereas Agnideva disguised as a pigeon. Thus disguised, the falcon began to chase the pigeon. Shivering with fear, the pigeon landed in the lap of king Shibi and hid under his attire. King Shibi was performing oblations at that time. Soon the falcon also arrived at the scene. Seeing the pigeon hiding in the king's attire, the falcon spoke in a human voice: "O King, you are the supreme devotee and greatest among spirituals. But why are you going against your religion today? You have conquered deceit with truth, poverty with wealth, cruelty with kindness. You have even helped those who went against you and wished for their well being. You even show kindness to sinners. At present, I am starving and fortunately got a chance to make a meal of this pigeon. But why are you preventing me from grabbing my food?
Then the pigeon spoke in a timid voice: "O king, I have come to your refuge. Kindly save my life".
The king said to the falcon: "O king of the birds, those capable of saving lives of animals do not do so out of greed, jealousy or fear. Everyone's life is dear to him. Hence, one must protect such frightened and depressed animals. Just as you don't want to die of starvation, similarly, you should protect others' lives as well. So, I must protect this pigeon that has come in my refuge. Tell me if you wish to satisfy your hunger by any other means".
The falcon said: "Food is the first choice of every organism. It is also the only means to sustain one's life. If I don't get my food, I will die and my off springs will also die. Thus, to save one pigeon, many lives will be lost. Hence, you decide if it is justifiable to lose one or more lives".
The king Shibi said: "O falcon, it is the supreme duty to protect the one in danger. Those who save lives are freed from the fear of death. Many people donate and perform rituals to please the Lord and attain heavenly abode. But those who serve others selflessly are rare.
Hence, in exchange of this pigeon's life, I can give you my whole kingdom".
The falcon replied: "O king, I am a carnivorous bird. Hence, to give me food you will have to kill another living organism. Does it make any difference then? Hence, you give me some flesh from your body equal to the weight of this pigeon".
Hearing these words, the king became happy and said: "O falcon, you have done a great favour to me today. If this body is of no use for others, it is useless for me to nourish it daily".
Uttering these words, king Shibi put the pigeon in one pan of the balance and cutting some flesh from his body put it on another pan. But the pigeon's weight outweighed Shibi's flesh. So king Shibi cut another bigger chunk of flesh from his body and put it on the pan to balance the pigeon's weight. But once again, the pigeon outweighed the flesh. Thus, king Shibi cut as many chunks of flesh from his body but everytime the pigeon's weight outweighed them. Ultimately, king Shibi himself sat in the pan. As soon as the king sat in the pan, tumultuous sounds of musical instruments were heard; gods began to shower flowers on him. Indra and Agnideva too appeared in their original forms.
Devaraja Indra said: "O king, you have never envied things bigger than you and also never humiliated those younger or smaller. You have never tried to match those who are equal to you. He who saves other's life without caring for his own, attains supreme abode. Those who live for altruism are indeed worth praising. May you enjoy the comforts lifelong and attain Parmatma (Supreme Being)". Thus, pouring down boons on king Shibi, Devaraja Indra and Agni vanished.
King Shibi ruled for many years. But he always focussed his mind on almighty God. He attained supreme abode after his death.