Don't Send Your Dreams Packing!

Don't Send Your Dreams Packing!

During any busy, stressed filled time of year there is an element which frequently gets left out of the mix.

Our goals, dreams, and widest aspirations are left behind as we forge ahead with our overscheduled calendars and madly scribbled to do lists. What also often gets set aside include our quiet time and spiritual practices.

The "Hafta's" nudge out that which really makes our lives fulfilling. The "Gotta's" block the vision of our carefully crafted dreams.

There is one fact to remember as you walk the tightrope of the busy days ahead:

Goals and Dreams do NOT go away on vacation while you are in your busiest times of year . Unfortunately, they do run the very real risk get packed into a suitcase during the Holiday season.

An even greater tragedy happens when they get put on a shelf during the hub bub of holiday happenings and are not revisited until much, much later if at all.

Use these simply guidelines to insure your Dreams and Goals stay on course during the periods of time you are most likely to be tossed off course.

  • Affirm: State your dream or goal before going to sleep and as you wake up each day using either the written word, the spoken word, the thought word or all three. As you continue with this practice, you keep your dream alive.

  • Integrate into holiday happenings: As you are reveling during all the holiday get togethers, steer the conversations towards dreams and goals. There is talk beyond the weather and the neighborhood and the company at the many parties you will be attending. Inspire others with your vision and invite them to share or create goals and dreams of their own.

  • Touchstone: The traditional definition of a touchstone is "a stone related to flint and formerly used to test the purity of gold." Create a sort of touchstone or talisman to carry with you at all times so that when you are distracted by the stuff of life you can reach into your pocket or bag or on a necklace to reconnect tangibly with your dream or goal.

  • Visual Reminder: A photo, collage, drawing, painting or other visual reminder is also an excellent tool for keeping your dream or goal in your consciousness. If you are traveling and have to leave your larger dream boards or collages at home, make a smaller notebook sized one to carry with you for continued inspiration.

  • Request support: Before your schedule gets away from you, ask a close friend to be your Goal or Dream Partner. Request regular check in's in regards to your vision during the busy season so that you will be more apt to stay on track.

Now go enjoy your most busy times and take your Dreams and Goals along with you!


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