Doing away with Ego!

A young man was much given to pride and arrogance. He received a medal in the college, and it only added to his massive ego.

The man who bestowed the medal on him used extravangant language to praise him and his accomplishments.

The young man's head and heart were swollen with pride.

That night, when he went home, he repeated the words of praise he received, to his mother. Having delivered a glowing tribute to himself, he asked her, "How many great men are there in the world today, anyhow?"

The mother, a wise old woman, looked at him with pity and said, "One less than you think!"

Truly, our ego can blind us to the truth about ourselves.

A proud lawyer told a farmer, "I never bow my head before anyone - neither God nor man!"

The wise farmer replied,"Only the heads of grain that are empy, stand upright. The well-filled ones bow low!"

A proud lady arrived late at a concert and found that she could be seated only in one of the back rows, as the hall was full.

Angry and insulted, she said to the organisers, "You obviously do not know how to seat your guests properly!"

"Not at all, madam," said one of them, "those who matter don't mind where they sit. Those who mind, do not really matter!"

Dissociate yourself from the ego. Until you have liberated yourself from this false identification, you will continue to be in bondage.

Good luck!


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